If you're new to SEND

Where to start

You know your child best, and you've noticed they find some things difficult. This could be talking, eating, or going to the toilet. If they’re at school, they might find it harder to learn than their friends.

When you’re new to SEND it can be hard to know how to find support. Our webpages are a good place to start.

You can also:

What kind of support can you get for your child

Help with learning

If your child has SEND, their nursery, school or college must support them. This is in addition to the help that children without SEND will get.

Find out about:

Help with health

If you’re worried about your child's mental or physical health, talk to your GP first.

We have some specialist support teams that can help, too.

Support for parents and carers

It’s important that you look after yourself. It's easy to forget this when you’re caring for children.

Find out about: