The EHC assessment

The EHC assessment brings together information about your child's needs. It works out what they need in order to learn and thrive.

How we listen to your views

The assessment must listen to the wishes of the child or young person, and their parents. This is called a person-centred approach.

You’ll be able to add your views (including pictures and video) to the assessment section in the EHC hub. If you don’t know how to do this, talk to your SENCo or ask SENDIAS for advice.

What the assessment should include

The assessment includes information from:

  • you and your child
  • your early years setting, school or college
  • professionals who support your child (for example, education psychologist, paediatrician, social worker)

The assessment will provide advice and information. It must:

  • be clear and specific
  • set out the needs of your child or young person
  • describe what special educational provision will meet those needs
  • describe what the provision aims to achieve (outcomes)

How to view the assessment

Log onto the EHC hub and go to the ‘assessment’ page. You can also find the advice that the professionals provided, and their names.

Contact us if we have missed a professional out.

The assessment decision

When we’ve got all the advice, we’ll decide if your child should have an EHC plan (EHCP).

You’ll get an email when we've decided. Log onto the EHC hub and click or tap on the 'decision' icon to see the decision letter.

This is the official notification of our decision. You can download the letter from the hub, or contact us if you need a paper copy.

If we decide to issue an EHCP

Find out what to expect from the EHCP document.

If we decide not to issue an EHCP

We must tell you within 16 weeks from the date you asked for an assessment.

What to do if you disagree

You can appeal if you disagree with decisions that we've made. Find out what to do if you're unhappy with SEND services.